Scrub images before you share them!

Written by  on September 13, 2015

I was surprised I never mentioned this, but I often remove all metadata from image-files before publishing them. I am no criminal, but where and when some pictures have been taken is none of the business of strangers 😉

Link for more details.

At least once I had the appropriate tools at hand ..

Written by  on September 13, 2015

tl;dr: How to retrieve ext4-data from the broken laptop’s drive with a Mac mini (OSX 10.9)
* download and install FUSE for OSX
* download and install fuse-ext2
* reboot
* mount the specific partitions via diskutil & copy the wanted data & wait ..
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Applied science ;)

Written by  on July 31, 2015

From time to time I develop some filmstrips with C41-chemicals. The data-sheet gives already some valid combinations of time/temperature, but it was lacking the one for 30°C.
I put the filmstrips for 8 min into the tank with the old Tetenal-kit. But what about the Digibase one? Linear interpolation would be not sufficient.
So lets take the sampling-points from the datasheet and do some cubic fitting (polynomial degree one less than the amount of samples).
And now what? Compute it myself? Hell no 😉
Et voila (thank Stephen Wolfram).

Fitting also shows no oscillation: good.

By the way: 7 min 30 s would be the correct time!

Increase Storage for Synology DS213 (RAID1)

Written by  on July 28, 2015

I used a Synology DS213 with two WesternDigital 2 TB-drives and RAID1 since september 2013 (?) for backup, music-storage and -remote access and for presenting my photos (via photostation). After starting the processing of analog-film strips my remaining space melted like ice in the sunshine (One 135er film as 4000dpi-HDR-scan, with intermediate results and the scaled final results takes roundabout 5 GByte!). So there was the choice to buy a completely new rack and drives and then transfer the data (safe way; old data would be never harmed; but costly) or to replace the drives one-by-one and trust on the automatic-replication of the NAS. Since I wanted to overcome my fear after that failed RAID-replication-attempt several years ago when the onboard-RAID-controller got lost and in the end NO data was restored, I chose the latter 😉

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No one said this will be easy: GT-i9506 with CM12 & no bloatware

Written by  on July 22, 2015

I just wanted to replace the OEM-Samsung Lollipop with the latest CyanogenMod-version on my Samsung Galaxy S4 LTE (GT-i9506).
So the simple plan was to: root the device; replace the ROM with CM12; add the Gapps-package; reboot and be happy ..
.. in the end I tried so many different ways involving Linux Mint, OSX 10.9 and Windows 7 as host-system; flashing via adb, heimdall and Odin; different nightlies and kernels; several gapps-packages and seven hours lifetime .. but I learned a lot 😀


    • Win7: install Samsung driver; reboot, reboot, reboot
    • root with CF-AutoRoot: guide // download – use “root checker” or some other app to verify the superuser-access before rebooting into download mode
    • flash TWRP via Odin
    • flash CM12-nightly: download
    • flash gapps: download flash minimal GApps: download (is without the useless crap)
    • wipe cache/dalvik
    • reboot and setup everything from scratch (or with some backups … you created some, didn’t you? 😀 I used “Easy Backup & Restore” – worked perfectly. K-9 Mail can restore itself ..)

edit: 20150724 replaced Gapps with “GAPPS minimal”; restored all settings, SMS, contacts, …

Qt: normalized signal-slot-connections

Written by  on July 13, 2015

While writing my last post I remembered a tool I run at least once for every project I touch (do, finish, ..): ‘normalize’.
Originally I stumbled about it while reading Marc Mutz’ blog. The downside is: currently the original download-location is not available anymore .. I will try to fix this.

The effect behind normalised signal-slot-connections is that for the whole project every connect will use the same style. No additional whitespace, no const, no unneeded variable-names, .. perfect.
Invoke it with “normalize –modify PROJECTPATH”. Without the flag it will just show the “to be changed sections”.
Never seen any downside effects.

edit: Working download-URL added!

Normalize your mp3

Written by  on July 12, 2015

I use mp3gain with and without UI for several years for normalizing my collection, because I hate it when during physical education your eardrums getsuddenly blasted to bits ‘n pieces!
Yes, album-normalisation would be more “original”, but I don’t care.

Hint is taken from that page, because I lost my old bash-history.

Win: Check ‘bitness’ of a binary

Written by  on July 8, 2015


The value for “machine” will determine the bitness:  14C stands for x86; 8664 for x64.

TimeMachine: backup couldn’t be completed … fix this

Written by  on June 30, 2015

Ok, TimeMachine runs from time to time, backups pile up and the disk is filled. So what now? Format it? No! Drop the oldest backup!


Initial inspiration for the solution was derived from this thread at stackexchange.

Qt: find the libs (Linux)

Written by  on June 26, 2015

I let synaptic install the libs, the qt-creator, the other stuff and their dependencies. Upon creating my first project I noticed NO kit was configured. Compiler was doable, but what about the libs? Tried this: