
Doxygen: how to make sure internal features are not exported to OnlineHelp and PDFs

Written by  on June 23, 2020

0. doxy-config file (most of the times names .doxy) should contain

1. Doxygen-blocks for classes should be wrapped with

/// @cond INTERNAL
/// @ingroup whateverGRP

/// This class does something.

/// @endcond

2. Maybe use the keyword ‘internal’ for its real purpose 😉

Additional note: only use
for newlines in Doxygen in C#. Else prepare for:
Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State
Warning CS1570 XML comment has badly formed XML -- 'Expected an end tag for element 'myTag'.'"

Visual Studio testrunner still running … and stopping you from accessing DLLs for linking

Written by  on October 8, 2019

Problem Challenge:
Several instances of vstest.executionengine.clr20.exe are still running, despite closing that nice Visual Studio 2015 and therefore the access to compile and link several DLLs with QtCreator is blocked.
Closing them one by one with the taskmanager is annoying.

* CMD as admin
* $ taskkill /IM vstest.executionengine.clr20.exe /T /F
* or: $ wmic process where name=’vstest.executionengine.clr20.exe’ delete