
Scrub images before you share them!

Written by  on September 13, 2015

I was surprised I never mentioned this, but I often remove all metadata from image-files before publishing them. I am no criminal, but where and when some pictures have been taken is none of the business of strangers 😉

Link for more details.

Pos, Neg or Koda? What SF8-HDR-type does the file have?

Written by  on June 17, 2015

I needed a quick and dirty solution to automatically check for the type of the given HDR-scan. Since some custom makernotes are used, the question was how to get by using exiftool the necessary information. A quick comparison with hexdump and diff showed the difference in the binary output.

So this tiny script will return the type of the given input as exitcode (checkable in terminal via “echo $?”): 1 for positive, 2 for negative and 3 for kodachrome. 0 for errors … and yes, this negates the POSIX-semantic! I guess someone more capable could turn it into a one-liner. Nevermind: it works and this is sufficient for my usage.


Get an overview which SilverFast8-version was used to process your photos

Written by  on March 26, 2015

It is very interesting to see which SilverFast8-version was used for scanning and processing the photos you have digitalized.
The following crude bash-chain-command relies on the GNU-tools, exiftool and some intermedite files. It is not sophisticated or using any syntactic sugar: it just works*.

(* means: has a lot of improvement-potential)


  • checks for exiftool first: if not available (missed the installation?), then abort
  • checks all original SF8-output-types: tif, jpg, jp2 and dng
  • searchs stupidly for the “Software”-tag; if other software touched the files that can be missing
  • collects the data into files “versions.txt” and “uniqed.txt” which are not deleted after the run!

example output:

ps. Just noticed that SF6-files are also checked correctly.