digiKam workflow for proper renaming
Written by marcelpetrick on December 28, 2020
- Import the directories with the images. Takes usually several minutes for gigabytes of data.
- Press F2 for renaming. Use as scheme:
Self-explaining and with a unique three digit suffix in case two identical filenames would appear. → “20200216-141529_001.JPG”
rsync: get all files from the camera’s sd-card .. without interruption
Written by marcelpetrick on July 6, 2018
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rsync -avzr --progress /media/tanteedith/4C26-6BEF/DCIM/ /home/tanteedith/digikamArchive/ |
Of course, you need the same source- and target-directory 😉
Using this, because Nautilus (or how that horrible explorer is called) is prone to auto-unmounting the card while transfer due to heavy load ..
proper rename-scheme for digiKam
Written by marcelpetrick on October 28, 2017
The Olympus-cam has no nice way to set an immediate scheme for the filename, so I transfer the files to the PC and fire up digiKam:
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[date:yyyyMMdd-hhmmss]{unique:3} |
Fun fact: since it is based on KDE –> Qt, it also uses the same formatting for DateTime like Qt. Horay 🙂
Addendum: to fix the annoying “no klauncher found”-message and the invisible thumbnails after some certain apt-get-upgrades, just run
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sudo apt-fast install kde-runtime |