RamBLE and the (german) Covid19 tracker

Written by  on February 4, 2021

Quicker posts, less retardation! One of the goals for 2021 was to 0. write more often, 1. faster after ‘doing’ and 2. therefore also covering more things which were ‘touched’
There’s still a pile of topics left from 2020 xD

In Novembre a colleague and me talked about one of his acquantainces which wrote an iOS-app, which can show how many “Corona Warn App”-users are nearby. I was puzzling over this and also wondered if really some special app or some bluetooth-receiver-tinkering is needed. I still own that one BT receiver for the Raspberry.

First: So, quick check for BT sniffers in the playstore showed RamBLE.
Second: 5 min of googling found the UUID used for the exposure notification: “fd6f”.

So, let’s combine and see what is shown for an location I traverse often:

Quintessence: check the market before developing something 😉