CoTli: improved bot-version
edit 20160724: released version 0.4 of the bot. Clicks, collects and upgrades now the main-character (and every once in a while all other cursaders) – automatically! 🙂
Latest release as always on github.
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One of my heroes (Linus Torvalds) published some days ago some rant about the “correct” style of comments.
Honestly, I agree 100%! And from my POV his version c is my preferred one: for single lines and blocks of comments.
// This can be a single line. Or many. Your choice.
Had some severe discussions about this topic in past dev-teams while negotiation some “best practices/style-guide”.
* you can quickly comment/uncomment sections of code without worrying where the “begin” and where the “end” is
* if you used /* .. */ then “uncommenting” could result in commenting something else, because of nested comment-parts
* only drawback: comments last until the end of the line
pro tip of the day: disable the suspend-keyboard-button
Seriously, I have no idea why something like this has a reason to exist on a keyboard. Also those buttons for opening the browser and calculator and whatever.
Problem: I share the flat with two cats. Cats are cats. Cats don’t care where they step or lie.
Solution for Linx Mint 17.3 MATE:
- $ sudo apt-get install dconf-editor
- find “button-suspend” (hierarchy: org > settings-daemon > power)
- set it to “nothing”; done!
Résumé: GIF-creation
Creating a GIF is not hard, actually it’s a one-liner.
But if you have a shaky video as source with slight over-exposure and to regard a size-limit for the final result, then the challenge rises.
Article deals with deshaking, greyscaling, cropping, size-reduction and a palette-optimized GIF-output without the infamous dithering.
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pro tip of the day: horizontal line in LibreOffice5 ;)
My dear reader may think this is a joke, but it’s not: I am using for more than two decades office software, but I never needed to spent several minutes of checking 0. the program 1. the help and 2. the internet to find a solution for such a simple task. LO < 4 had some simple “Insert – horizontal ruler”-menu-entry. But why keep something well established?
Solution: enter three dashes and press and pray for the auto-format!
The next entry should have been about improved, stabilized and un-dithered GIF. Will follow (soon)!
Crusaders of the lost idols
edit 20160718: Improved the bot & made it available on github. Check this: more info.
Q: so what do you do in your leisure time?
A: i play games
Q: wtf man, you are a grown up!
A: actually it is just an free-to-play idle-game
Q: this is even worse. you find satisfaction in collecting money and distributing upgrades and waiting for them to arrive in dribs and drabs?
A: actually i wrote a clicker-bot to gain 1 million-clicks-achivement xD
weather-forecast without annoying advertisments
1 |
curl |
Small advice: netdata
It will be quite seldom that I suggest to use certain programs (or Neudeutsch: ‘apps’), but this one blew my mind, because its resource-usage is quite frugal, is “just running if started (and needed)”, has some nice views and incorporates sensor-data: netdata!
Data is displayed via http://localhost:19999/ in your local browser 😉
Sounds from the underground
Found a one-liner which uses input from urandom to create music. And: I’ve experienced worse musical accentuation in games xD
1 |
cat /dev/urandom | hexdump -v -e '/1 "%u\n"' | awk '{ split("0,2,4,5,7,9,11,12",a,","); for (i = 0; i < 1; i+= 0.0001) printf("%08X\n", 100*sin(1382*exp((a[$1 % 8]/12)*log(2))*i)) }' | xxd -r -p | aplay -c 2 -f S32_LE -r 16000 |
Original source is that blog. Also offers explanations and how to tune the scale. Great!
What to do with spare 2 TB-drives?
Let’s prevent that this blog turns into pure rants and finalize some articles which were (almost) finished for weeks.
I had a spare 2 TiByte 3.5″-SATA-drive from the NAS (replaced with 4 TiByte each), but did not want to use it in my PC. Why? An SSD with 128 GiByte is enough. I don’t want to replicate the ..
So I decided to make an Apple-fanboi happy: external drive for TimeMachine (tm!) XD