Heltec WifiKit 8

Written by  on June 11, 2019 

Ordered myself two Wifikit8 Esp8266-based boards from Aliexpress.
Received them after roundabout two weeks and now the fun can start.

With the integrated 0.91″ display (128×32 Pixel) a lot of effort for integrating some display or LEDs can be saved. Just noticed that a LiPo-charger is built-in as well, wow. For 4,50 € not a bad choice. But I am not 100% sure if this is the real device or some copycat – nevertheless: in the end the functionality matters.

First project-idea is to create an extended and verifyable version of the random-reviewer. With display of the currently chosen person, a big buzzer-button as trigger and a web-interface for those who doubt the true randomness ..

good guides:

Category : ArduinoCC++esp8266